The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem: Exact Approaches

The multi-stop station location problem (MSLP) aims to place stations such that a set of trips is feasible with respect to length bounds while minimizing cost. Each trip consists of a sequence of stops that must be visited in a given order, and a length bound that controls the maximum length that is possible without … Read more

Selective Maximum Coverage and Set Packing

In this paper we introduce the selective maximum coverage and the selective maximum set packing problem and variants of them. Both problems are strongly related to well studied problems such as maximum coverage, set packing, and (bipartite) hypergraph matching. The two problems are given by a collection of subsets of a ground set and index … Read more

The Multi-Stop Station Location Problem

We introduce the (directed) multi-stop station location problem. The goal is to install stations such that ordered (multi-)sets of stops can be traversed with respect to range restrictions that are reset whenever a station is visited. Applications arise in telecommunications and transportation, e.g., charging station placement problems. The problem generalizes several network optimization problems such … Read more

Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time

The time it takes passengers to board an airplane is known to influence the turn-around time of the aircraft and thus bears a significant cost-saving potential for airlines. Although minimizing boarding time therefore is the most important goal from an economic perspective, previous efforts to design efficient boarding strategies apparently never tackled this task directly. … Read more

The Synthesis Problem of Decentralized Energy Systems is strongly NP-hard

We analyze the computational complexity of the synthesis problem of decentralized energy systems. This synthesis problem consists of combining various types of energy conversion units and determining their sizing as well as operations in order to meet time-varying energy demands while maximizing an objective function, e.g., the net present value. In this paper, we prove … Read more